The Climb Ahead For Small Business

Every journey has peaks and valleys along the way. This week it feels like our journey toward normalcy is creeping out of a deep valley as the election season is finally over. While we move forward, the path ahead is a steep climb to elevation and levity. We're still scaling the incline of the COVID 19 pandemic. We still have a mountain of healing in front of us as a nation. Coming into the holiday season, we have a steep climb in front of us to keep our community's small businesses alive. Each of us play a critical role in that climb and small businesses – around our nation - are counting on you. 



Our team has spent a lot of time mapping out a route for this climb. We wanted to develop a path forward that moves and encourages us to rediscover our city of Cincinnati and the people that make it vibrant. This holiday season, we're asking you to find ways to engage in the local economy. Whether it's shopping, dining, safely gathering, or just being present and enjoying what our city and its 52 neighborhoods have to offer, the path forward is one that is "Found"


"Found" is a four-week blitz to rediscover our urban core and celebrate the people, organizations and businesses that give it life. We created a mobile site at that allows any organization to share their holiday programming and for users to easily see exactly what is happening that day across the city. We think this is an important value creation because the holiday season is a mess of marketing, schedules and busyness. Let's find ways to step out of our homes and engage safely. 


The climb out of this valley is not going to be an easy one. Some will slip and fall along the way. It's up to us to grab our neighbors and help them find the top of the next mountain.


Moving the needle when it’s made of people and concrete